Learn how transformer architecture works for language translation.

Interactive visualization of transformer architecture Icons by SVG Repo. For custom input, please download the repo and run the torch server as instructed in the readme file. For more information on how to use the visualization, read the Using the Visualization section.


Recent years have seen significant advancements in artificial intelligence, which birthed systems capable of performing similar to humans in language related tasks. Such advancements were made possible due to the introduction of the transformer architecture. Before transformer, the language modeling tasks were performed using different variants of recurrent neural networks(RNNs). However, the inherent structure of RNNs placed limitations on its expressivity and training speed. As such, these models failed to learn meaningful concepts for more complex tasks such as language translations. The transformer architecture lifted these limitations and enabled training models of unprecedented scale and abilities. Consequently, the research output has increased exponentially.

While this exponential increment in the research output is attractive, maintaining this pace of research becomes challenging as proportionally equal amount of research debt is added. Such debt lengthens the lead time to meaningful participation by the aspiring researchers and stilfes further progress. Interactive visualization has shown great promise in shortening this lead time and facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject. To this end, this article exposes the inner workings of the transformer architecture for language translation via an interactive visualization. The seminal encoder-decoder architecture is chosen as it is often the starting point from which the newcomers to the language modeling began. The rest of the article details different parts of the visualization.

Using the Visualization

As noted earlier, the exposition in this article refers to the encoder-decoder variant of the transformer architecture. The technical contents of the visualization assumes familiarity with deep learning concepts. An unfamiliar reader is urged to review the material listed in the suggested pre-requisites section. Now, there are three types of visual components in the visualization. Their description are as follows:

  1. Input Selector: The component is located at the top-corner of the architecture. The user can select an input sentence from a pre-defined set of inputs. The component also supports custom inputs. However, the user needs to download the code repo and run the inference harness locally. The instructions for the same are provided in the readme file.
    Fig. 1 - Input Selection.
  2. Explorable: The explorable components are the ones that can be clicked on to reveal their internal structure. The subcomponents can be further clicked on to reveal a description of its underlying operations. In total, there are 9 explorable components - input and output embeddings, encoders, decoders, and output layer.
    Fig. 2 - Interaction with input embedding component.
  3. Controller: The controller is the unique component that lets the user step through the translation process. Note the target sentence is one token behind as it is used in conjunction with the encoding of the source sentence, to predict the next token in the sequence.
    Fig. 3 - Stepping through the translation using the controller..

Suggested Pre-requisites

  1. Machine Learning for everybody by Freecodecamp.org
  2. Tensorflow Playground a sandbox environment to play with neural networks.
  3. Neural Networks by 3Blue1Brown for an intuitive explanation of how neural networks work.
  4. Deep Learning Specialization by Deeplearning.ai for learning to implement neural networks and train them.
  5. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks by Andrej Karpathy for developing an intuitive understanding of how RNNs work.
  6. Understanding LSTM Networks by Chris Olah for understanding how LSTM networks work.
  7. Visualizing A Neural Machine Translation Model by Jay Alammar for understanding how attention mechanism helps with the aligning neural machine translation.
  8. The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar supplemental material for developing an intuitive understanding of the transformer architecture.